For possibly thousands of years, these strong hardy ponies have lived and worked on Eriskay, a small island neatly sandwiched between South Uist and Barra. Eriskay is the Island where the SS Politician came aground in 1941 with 24 thousand cases of whisky on board. The subsequent efforts of islanders in liberating the whisky were famously recorded by Compton Mackenzie in his book Whisky Galore, later made into a very fine film. I digress. The ponies have never been crossed and are believed to be the descendants of the wild ponies which roamed Scotland before people lived here.They stand between 12.0 -13.2 hands high and are usually grey, although an occasional black or bay animal occurs.Throughout history, the ponies have been used by crofters for everyday tasks such as pulling carts, harrowing the land and carrying home peats and seaweed in basket work creels slung over their backs.
By the early 1970's and partially as the result of the widespread use of tractors, the total number of ponies on Eriskay and therefore on the planet, had declined to around 20 animals. They were heading rapidly towards extinction when a group of local people, including crofters, priest, doctor and vet decided to try to save the ponies.Through their efforts, small breeding groups of Eriskay ponies were established throughout the British Isles. A society was formed to look after the interests and future of the ponies, but this split into two groups because of differences between the people involved.The Eriskay Pony Society obtained registration under UK and EU law in 1995 and exists to promote the animal throughout Britain by holding breed shows and offering practical advice to anybody wishing to own and keep these ponies.They now have approximately 400 registered ponies.
The other official society, recognised in 2001, is known as the Eriskay Pony(Mother Society).It concerns itself solely with breeding the ponies only in the Western Isles and particularly on Eriskay.The ponies in the photograph above, which I took last week, are part of a herd of about 20 animals which wander freely around the roads and hills of Eriskay. Having lived in close proximity to humans forever, they are friendly animals and will happily let you get close to them.They look after themselves and remain outside throughout the year. If you visit Eriskay and can't immediately see the ponies, ask any local or at the shop and it is likely that they will be able to tell you where on the island the ponies are grazing that day.
In spite of the work done in recent years to protect and increase the breed, the Eriskay pony remains on the Rare Breed Survival Trust's Critically Endangered list.
Two steps forward and one backward with the house. A friend is visiting for three weeks and as well as being good company, he's not a bad decorator too. During the last few days, we have painted two bedrooms and the difference is astonishing. All of a sudden, I can begin to see what the house will look like when it's finished. I am taking two weeks holiday from work from next Monday and am hopeful that we can complete all of the upstairs before he returns South.
The CORGI plumber finally arrived and he has installed the propane gas hob, which seems to be working well. I'd forgotten what a hot meal was. The plumber installing the solid fuel stove was due to do the job on Saturday, but phoned to say he was too busy with other things, so that may or may not happen next weekend. Have had no luck in locating a decent tiler yet, so the bathroom and kitchen remain bare for now.
Many households in the Western Isles now have oil fired central heating. During the last eighteen months or so, the cost of heating oil has doubled, causing hardship, especially for elderly people and those on fixed incomes. The rising cost of oil has had two unpredictable consequences. The oil is usually stored in the gardens of houses, in big green plastic containers, which typically contain 600 - 1000 litres. At 60p a litre, that's a lot of money sat outside. Well, thieves have worked this out for themselves and there has been a spate of thefts of oil all over the island. Putting locks on the tanks doesn't help, because the plastic can be drilled and the oil removed by gravity, or with small pumps. Many tanks are close to the road, highly visible and easy targets. So far, the police have not been able to work out how so much oil is being taken away, presumably in large containers, without the culprits being seen. These thefts make the community feel insecure, especially because this is traditionally a low crime area, which has prided itself on trusting thy neighbour, in the past. The other result of high oil prices is that there has been a huge increase this year in the number of people cutting peats for fuel, as a means of controlling heating costs. Even though oil central heating is commonplace, many houses still keep an open fire or Rayburn type stove. The right to cut peat on the moors comes with the croft and I think that non crofters may be able to apply to the Grazings Clerk of their village to be allocated a peat bank. The peat is cut with a peat iron, or Tarasgeir, in April and May, before being left to dry out on the moor for several months. The peat irons last for years if looked after and are passed down through the generations. There is one remaining blacksmith in Stornoway and he has been inundated with orders to make new Tarasgeirs from people who want to cut peats to save on heating oil.
Job of the week. -- Mink Trapper £13980 per annum.
Scottish Natural Heritage are advertising for a mink trapper to work throughout Lewis and Harris as part of a project aiming to eradicate American Mink from the Western Isles. Like the hedgehog, the mink are non native, were brought here years ago and are now a major problem. The hedgehogs were originally introduced by a well meaning, but misguided gardener, whilst the mink were probably escapees from mink farms, or released maliciously by animal rights activists. The mink, in common with the hedgehogs, will take ground nesting birds and eggs, but also kill domestic poultry, in large numbers. Hen keeping was once much more common than it is now, but many poultry keepers stopped keeping birds years ago because they were unable to protect flocks adequately from destruction caused by mink. If the mink project is successful, I expect to see chickens everywhere within a short while.
Fuel Watch --- Diesel is 136.2 pence per litre this morning in Lochmaddy.
Spread them across the Outer Hebrides! Make them Western Isles Ponies again! Something unique to this place.
Hi jorg. Thanks for your comment. Have just had a look at your own blog. Wonderful, wonderful photographs of Eriskay ponies. A great pleasure to see. Makes my own snapshots look pathetic.
Thanks for the lovely info on the Eriskay ponies ;) We travelled through to Barra from Eriskay and did not see them but are going back to see them and have seen and worked with one on the Barra. So exciting.
Do you have any more details on who we can speak to etc to find out more about them. We currently breed welsh ponies and have a registered stud. We are very interested in the ponies as they have such a wonderful temperment.
Could you email me on branndonwynstud@gmail.com
Thanks for the lovely info on the Eriskay ponies ;) We travelled through to Barra from Eriskay and did not see them but are going back to see them and have seen and worked with one on the Barra. So exciting.
Do you have any more details on who we can speak to etc to find out more about them. We currently breed welsh ponies and have a registered stud. We are very intered in the ponies as they have such a wonderful temperment.
Hi Marie. You can find more information about the ponies from the Eriskay Pony Society at www.eriskaypony.com. You should be able to contact the society secretary through the website.Also try looking up the Eriskay pony(mother society) site.
Good luck.
I'm interested to know how the work with the minks has gone? Are there any chicken flocks yet? Where I live, Bella Coola Valley, British Columbia, we have many predators. Just yesterday, I was having to chase off the bald eagles from my free-range flock. Other days its the fox, or a red-tailed hawk. And don't even get me started on the cougars.
Hi howlingduckranch
Thank you for the message.I've very much enjoyed reading your own blog. Your life in BC sounds much more challenging than my own.I spent a very happy month travelling through Nova Scotia, Cape Breton and Newfoundland three years ago and would have probably moved to live in Canada if I'd been younger.
The Mink trappers are now working in this village and moving North. There seems every liklihood that most/all of the mink will be eradicated in the next couple of years and I will then start to keep hens again.Unlike you, we have no other predators.No foxes or badgers. Just a few Eagles, daft sheepdogs and domestic cats. Think I would collapse in a heap if I came face to face with a cougar or bear.I'm a peace loving, live and let live sort of bloke, but think I would have to have a rifle close to me if I lived in your cicumstances.
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